Dr Sam Manuela, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Waipapa Taumata, is the principal investigator for a first-of-its-kind research project across the Island of Rarotonga, conducting a mental health survey that examines the prevalence, experiences, and history of mental health in the Cook Islands.

The research project is guided by Tivaevae, a Cook Island research framework, designed in consultation with an advisory board consisting of Cook Islands mental health experts, advocates, service users, and local community through village-based meetings.

“There has never been a comprehensive population survey of mental health issues in the Cook Islands and available information is limited to WHO estimates and the annual National Health Bulletin released by Te Marae Ora – the Cook Islands Ministry of Health,” Dr Manuela says.

It is anticipated that the findings from this research project will highlight the need to develop an advanced plan that challenges the current mental health priorities and resource allocation toward mental health support in the Cook Islands

For further information on Dr Sam Manuela’s project, published articles can be accessed via the link providedhttps://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/news/2020/05/27/first-in-depth-study-of-mental-health-issues-in-cook-is.html#:~:text=Dr%20Sam%20Manuela%20will%20lead,Emerging%20Researcher%20First%20Grants%20programme